
Supercharge Your Polygon Development with Particle SDK: Build Scalable and Efficient dApps in a Seamless Web3 Environment


Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network, is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that offers a highly-scalable and cost-efficient environment for building and deploying decentralized applications (dApps). It aims to provide a seamless experience for users and developers by leveraging a multi-chain approach with Ethereum-compatible sidechains.

Key Features and Benefits

  • High throughput and low transaction fees, enabling the creation of scalable and cost-effective dApps.

  • Ethereum-compatible, allowing for easy migration of Ethereum-based projects.

  • An active developer community supporting a wide range of projects in the DeFi, NFT, and gaming space.

  • Support for ERC-20 (fungible tokens) and ERC-721 (NFTs), fostering interoperability and innovation.

Chain Information

chainId (int)chainName (string)EVM Chains



Polygon Mainnet



Polygon Testnet (Mumbai)

Getting Started With Particle Network

Particle Network Middleware Solution: Advantages for Polygon Developers

  • Accelerated Development: Particle Network's modular services save up to 90% of development time, allowing you to focus on your core business and fostering innovation in the Web3 space.

  • Simplified Authentication: The Authentication Service offers a user-friendly Web2+Web3 login solution using MPC-TSS, enabling familiar login methods without sacrificing security and decentralization.

  • Easy Wallet Management: The Wallet Service simplifies digital asset management for both developers and end-users, streamlining the focus on core dApp functionalities.

  • NFT Support: Particle Network's NFT Services provide tools and services for NFT creation, management, and trading, enabling developers to tap into the growing NFT market on Polygon.

  • Enhanced Node Interaction: The Node Service offers enhanced node services for better interaction with the Polygon network, improving performance and reliability.

  • Cross-Chain and Cross-Platform Compatibility: Particle Network services support multiple chains and platforms, allowing you to reach a diverse user base and provide a consistent experience on Polygon and beyond.

Smart Wallet-as-a-Service

Other Services

Platform-Specific Guides

🌍 Basic📱 Mobile🎮 Game


Last updated