Server API

The Server API provides useful APIs to support application use. It follows a JSON-RPC 2.0 standard.


The Server RPC URL is:


👉 Check Authentication


🔥 getUserInfo

Obtain user info by uuid and token

Use this API to integrate Particle Auth into your user ID system 🎉


  • <string> - user uuid

  • <string> - user token


  • <object> - a JSON object containing:

    • uuid: <string>, user uuid

    • phone: <string>, user phone number

    • email: <string>, user email

    • name: <string>, user name

    • avatar: <string>, user avatar url

    • facebookId: <string>, exist when user login with facebook

    • facebookEmail: <string>

    • googleId: <string>, exist when user login with google

    • googleEmail: <string>

    • appleId: <string>, exist when user login with apple

    • appleEmail: <string>

    • twitterId: <string>, exist when user login with twitter

    • twitterEmail: <string>

    • telegramId: <string>, exist when user login with telegram

    • telegramPhone: <string>

    • discordId: <string>, exist when user login with discord

    • discordEmail: <string>

    • githubId: <string>, exist when user login with github

    • githubEmail: <string>

    • twitchId: <string>, exist when user login with twitch

    • twitchEmail: <string>

    • miscrosoftId: <string>, exist when user login with miscrosoft

    • miscrosoftEmail: <string>

    • linkedinId: <string>, exist when user login with linkedin

    • linkedinEmail: <string>

    • jwtId: <string>, exist when user login with JWT(Custom Auth)

      • Format: projectId + : + jwt unique id

    • wallets: <[object]>, user wallets with public address

Request example:

const axios = require("axios");

(async () => {
  const response = await
      jsonrpc: "2.0",
      id: 0,
      method: "getUserInfo",
      params: ["Particle Auth User Uuid", "Particle Auth User Token"],
      auth: {
        username: "Your Project Id",
        password: "Your Project Server Key",


👉 Sign up/log in and create your project now

Response example:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "uuid": "2d7b1ff2-0791-4fd2-a26e-16fbcaefdf8a",
        "phone": null,
        "email": "",
        "name": null,
        "avatar": null,
        "facebookId": null,
        "facebookEmail": null,
        "googleId": null,
        "googleEmail": null,
        "appleId": null,
        "appleEmail": null,
        "twitterId": null,
        "twitterEmail": null,
        "telegramId": null,
        "telegramPhone": null,
        "discordId": null,
        "discordEmail": null,
        "githubId": null,
        "githubEmail": null,
        "twitchId": null,
        "twitchEmail": null,
        "microsoftId": null,
        "microsoftEmail": null,
        "linkedinId": null,
        "linkedinEmail": null,
        "createdAt": "2022-06-08T07:47:54.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-06-08T07:47:55.000Z",
        "wallets": [
                "chain": "evm_chain",
                "publicAddress": "0x6D5fCEd0C74F22a1B145ef48B25527Ce9BF829bF"
                "chain": "solana",
                "publicAddress": "3k61BRDo253SF1XuknbBSUh8FvFqJkcMYzmZuvMMhCC1"

🔥 isProjectUser

Check if the user's address has interacted with your project


  • <string> - chain, wallets chain name, the type value is as below

    • solana

    • evm_chain

  • <string> - user address

Only verified contract can be locked for user wallet, please add and verify your contract/program address first 👉 Dashboard, and testnet will not check the contract is verified.



Request example:

const axios = require("axios");

(async () => {
  const response = await
      jsonrpc: "2.0",
      id: 0,
      method: "isProjectUser",
      params: ["evm_chain", "0x6D5fCEd0C74F22a1B145ef48B25527Ce9BF829bF"],
      auth: {
        username: "Your Project Id",
        password: "Your Project Server Key",


Response example:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 0, 
    "result": true


👉 Check RPC errors

Last updated