
Accelerate Your Moonbeam Development with Particle SDK: Build Scalable and Efficient dApps in a Seamless Web3 Environment


Moonbeam is a smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that provides Ethereum-compatible tools and features, making it easier for Ethereum developers to build and deploy dApps on the Polkadot ecosystem. Moonbeam aims to bridge the gap between Ethereum and Polkadot, allowing developers to utilize familiar Ethereum development tools while benefiting from Polkadot's scalable and interoperable infrastructure.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Moonbeam provides full Ethereum compatibility, allowing developers to leverage existing Ethereum development tools, libraries, and smart contracts.

  • As a parachain on the Polkadot network, Moonbeam benefits from Polkadot's security, interoperability, and cross-chain communication capabilities.

  • Moonbeam's architecture is designed to support high-performance dApps and handle large transaction volumes, reducing latency and enhancing the user experience.

  • Moonbeam supports a diverse range of dApps, including DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and enterprise applications, fostering innovation and growth within the Web3 space.

Chain Information

chainId (int)chainName (string)EVM Chains









Moonbase Alpha

Getting Started With Particle SDK

Particle Network Middleware Solution: Advantages for Moonbeam Developers

  • Accelerated Development: Particle Network's modular services save up to 90% of development time, allowing you to focus on your core business and fostering innovation in the Web3 space.

  • Simplified Authentication: The Authentication Service offers a user-friendly Web2+Web3 login solution using MPC-TSS, enabling familiar login methods without sacrificing security and decentralization.

  • Easy Wallet Management: The Wallet Service simplifies digital asset management for both developers and end-users, streamlining the focus on core dApp functionalities.

  • Enhanced Node Interaction: The Node Service offers enhanced node services for better interaction with the Arbitrum network, improving performance and reliability.

  • Cross-Chain and Cross-Platform Compatibility: Particle Network services support multiple chains and platforms, allowing you to reach a diverse user base and provide a consistent experience on Moonbeam and beyond.

Smart Wallet-as-a-Service

Other Services

Platform-Specific Guides

🌍 Basic📱 Mobile🎮 Game


Last updated