
A simple way to connect wallet to DApp, support EVM and Solana chains.


Live Demo: https://web-demo.particle.network/

Github: https://github.com/Particle-Network/particle-web-demo

It is strongly discouraged to use private key or mnemonic import/generate function, if you use it, you need to secure the data yourself, Particle's SDK has no relationship with the imported/generated mnemonic or private key.

Quick Start

Step 1: Install Connect SDK.

# react connect kit
yarn add @particle-network/connect-react-ui

# optional: if you only use connect interface, also support vue
yarn add @particle-network/connect

Step 2: Init Connect SDK.

import { ModalProvider } from '@particle-network/connect-react-ui';
import { WalletEntryPosition } from '@particle-network/auth';
import { Ethereum, EthereumGoerli } from '@particle-network/chains';
import { evmWallets } from '@particle-network/connect';

// use react kit
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement);
                projectId: 'replace with your projectId',
                clientKey: 'replace with your clientKey',
                appId: 'replace with your appId',
                chains: [
                particleWalletEntry: {    //optional: particle wallet config
                    displayWalletEntry: true, //display wallet button when connect particle success.
                    defaultWalletEntryPosition: WalletEntryPosition.BR,
                    customStyle: {}, //optional: custom wallet style
                securityAccount: { //optional: particle security account config
                    //prompt set payment password. 0: None, 1: Once(default), 2: Always
                    promptSettingWhenSign: 1,
                    //prompt set master password. 0: None(default), 1: Once, 2: Always
                    promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin: 1
                wallets: evmWallets({ 
                    projectId: 'walletconnect projectId', //replace with walletconnect projectId
                    showQrModal: false
            language={'en'}   //optional:localize, default en
            walletSort={['Particle Auth', 'Wallet']} //optional:walelt order
            particleAuthSort={[    //optional:display particle auth items and order
            <App />

Step3: Add the connect button

Then, in your app, import and render the ConnectButton component.

import '@particle-network/connect-react-ui/dist/index.css';
import { ConnectButton } from '@particle-network/connect-react-ui';

export const App = () => {
  return <ConnectButton />;

// if you want to custom connet button, you can use ConnectButton.Custom.
export const App = () => {
  return (
            {({ account, chain, openAccountModal, openConnectModal, openChainModal, accountLoading }) => {
                return (
                        <button onClick={openConnectModal} disabled={!!account}>
                            Open Connect
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        <button onClick={openAccountModal} disabled={!account}>
                            Open Account
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        <button onClick={openChainModal} disabled={!account}>
                            Open Switch Network

Have a problem? you can refer to this FAQ.

Check User Is Connected

If user connect wallet success, automatic connect next time.

import { useAccount } from '@particle-network/connect-react-ui';

//use this in react component.
const account = useAccount();
if (account) {
    // connect wallet success

Custom Wallet Style

When "displayWalletEntry" true, you can custom wallet style by set "customStyle" config, refer to Custom Wallet Style

Open Particle Web Wallet

If you connect with Particle Network, you can open wallet in new window.

import { useConnectKit } from '@particle-network/connect-react-ui';

//use this in react component.
const connectKit = useConnectKit();
// To set target and features for custom window style, same as window.open().
connectKit.particle.openWallet(target?: string, features?: string);

//open wallet in custom iframe.
const url = connectKit.particle.buildWalletUrl({
    //optional: left top menu style, close or fullscreen
    //"fullscreen": wallet will be fullscreen when user click.
    //"close": developer need handle click event
    topMenuType: "close"   

const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = url;
//if topMenuType is "close"
window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
    if (event.data === "PARTICLE_WALLET_CLOSE_IFRAME") {
        //close click event

Open Crypto Token Buy

If you connect with Particle Network, you can open the Buy Tokens page.

import { useConnectKit } from '@particle-network/connect-react-ui';

//use this in react component.
const connectKit = useConnectKit();
// To set target and features for custom window style, same as window.open().
connectKit.particle.openBuy(options?: OpenBuyOptions, target?: string, features?: string)

Get User Info

If you connect with Particle Network, you can get user info by below interface.

import { useConnectKit } from '@particle-network/connect-react-ui';

//use this in react component.
const connectKit = useConnectKit();
const userInfo = connectKit.particle.getUserInfo();

Connect React Hooks


Get provider when wallet connect, you can set the provider to web3.js or ethers.js.


Get wallet address when wallet connect.


Get connect() and disconnect() function for action.


Get ParticleConnect instance do custom action.


openConnectModal without ConnectButton.


Get connected id.


Check if you can switch chain, and get chains.


Get current language and set language.


Get registered wallet metadata.

Connect Core

You can only use @particle-network/connect to custom UI.

import { evmWallets, ParticleConnect } from '@particle-network/connect';
import { Ethereum } from '@particle-network/chains';

// init
const connectKit = new ParticleConnect({
                projectId: 'replace with your projectId',
                clientKey: 'replace with your clientKey',
                appId: 'replace with your appId',
                chains: [
                wallets: evmWallets({ qrcode: false }),

//connect registered wallet. metamask, walletconnect_v2 etc.
connectKit.connect('wallet id');

//connect to particle
connectKit.connect('particle', options);

//disconnect wallet

//connect last wallet

//listen provider event
connectKit.on('connect', (provider) => {});
connectKit.on('disconnect', () => {});
connectKit.on('chainChanged', (chain) => {});
connectKit.on('accountsChanged', (accounts) => {});

//switch chain

//get registered wallet metadata

//get evm default wallets
evmWallets();   //you can also custom wallet order

//get browser injected evm wallet 

//get browser injected wallet metadata

Upgrade Guide

If you use Connect SDK v0.x.x and wish to update to the 1.x.x, the process is straightforward. Below are the updated functions for reference.

// old: import chain info
import { Ethereum, BSC, Polygon } from '@particle-network/common';
// new: import chain info
import { Ethereum, BNBChain, Polygon } from '@particle-network/chains';

Last updated