
1.Add the Auth Core Service SDK to Your Flutter App

Run this command:

With Flutter:

flutter pub add particle_auth_core

click here to get the demo source code

2.Configure Android project

2.1 open ${your flutter project} /android/app/build.gradle

2.1.1 add project config and update the minSdkVersion to 23

//Modify these configurations
defaultConfig {
    // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (https://developer.android.com/studio/build/application-id.html).
    applicationId "com.example.particle_auth_test"
    // You can update the following values to match your application needs.
    // For more information, see: https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android#reviewing-the-build-configuration.
    minSdkVersion flutter.minSdkVersion
    targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion
    versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
    versionName flutterVersionName

//After modification:
defaultConfig {
   // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (https://developer.android.com/studio/build/application-id.html).
   applicationId "com.example.particle_auth_test"
   // You can update the following values to match your application needs.
   // For more information, see: https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android#reviewing-the-build-configuration.
   minSdkVersion 23 // required by particle sdk
   targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion
   versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
   versionName flutterVersionName

   //get from https://dashboard.particle.network/
   manifestPlaceholders["PN_PROJECT_ID"] = "772f7499-1d2e-40f4-8e2c-7b6dd47db9de" //your project id
   manifestPlaceholders["PN_PROJECT_CLIENT_KEY"] = "ctWeIc2UBA6sYTKJknT9cu9LBikF00fbk1vmQjsV" //your project client key
   manifestPlaceholders["PN_APP_ID"] = "01a23ce8-d2e9-4b37-9eab-bf477279e53e" //your app id

2.1.2 update Java Version to 11 and add dataBinding config

//Modify these configurations
compileOptions {
  sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

kotlinOptions {
  jvmTarget = '1.8'

//After modification:
compileOptions {
  sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
  targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11

kotlinOptions {
  jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_11

dataBinding {
  enabled = true

2.2 edit ${your flutter project} /android/build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { setUrl("https://jitpack.io") }  //add this line 

    dependencies {

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { setUrl("https://jitpack.io") }  //add this line 

Now,Android configuration is complete!

3.Configure iOS project


  • Install the following:

    • Xcode 14.1 or later.

  • Make sure that your project meets the following requirements:

    • Your project must target these platform versions or later:

      • iOS 14

3.1 After export iOS project, open Runner.xcworkspace under ios folder.

3.2 Create a ParticleNetwork-Info.plist into the root of your Xcode project, and make sure the file is checked under Target Membership.

3.3 Copy the following text into this file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

3.4 Replace YOUR_PROJECT_UUID, YOUR_PROJECT_CLIENT_KEY, and YOUR_PROJECT_APP_UUID with the new values created in your Dashboard

3.5 Edit Podfile, you should follow Podfile required to edit Podfile.

3.6 More important to note, our SDK is static XCFramework, when introduced, you must specify the use of static libraries, use_frameworks! :linkage => :static

target 'Runner' do
  use_frameworks! :linkage => :static

Initialize the SDK

Before using the SDK, you have to call init(Required)

// Get your project id and client key from dashboard, https://dashboard.particle.network
const projectId = "";
const clientK = ""; 
if (projectId.isEmpty || clientK.isEmpty) {
  throw const FormatException(
      'You need set project info, get your project id and client key from dashboard, https://dashboard.particle.network');
ParticleInfo.set(projectId, clientK);
ParticleAuth.init(currChainInfo, env);


If loginType is email or phone, you can pass email address or phone number to account.

If loginType is JWT, you must pass JWT token to account.

SocialLoginPrompt: optional, only google, discord and microsoft support it.

If loginType is email or phone, below parameter is optional, other wise, they are useless.

The supportAuthTypes controls which types of social login buttons are displayed at the bottom of the login page.

The loginPageConfig controls the title, description, and image displayed on the login page.

final userInfo = await ParticleAuthCore.connect(loginType,
          account: account,
          supportAuthTypes: supportAuthTypes,
          loginPageConfig: LoginPageConfig(
                  "your icon url", // icon url or base64 string
              projectName: "Flutter Example",
              description: "Welcome to login",
              imageType: "url")); // url | base64

Connect with JWT

const jwt = ""; // paste your jwt
final userInfo = await ParticleAuthCore.connect(LoginType.jwt, account: jwt);

Connect with Google

final userInfo = await ParticleAuthCore.connect(LoginType.google);

Is Connected

final isConnected = await ParticleAuthCore.isConnected();


final result = await ParticleAuthCore.disconnect();

Get user info

final userInfo = await ParticleAuthCore.getUserInfo();

Get EVM address

final address = await Evm.getAddress();

EVM Sign message and sign message unique

In EVM chain requires a hexadecimal string

If your message is already a hexadecimal string, don't need to convert again, if your message is a human readable string, like "Hello Particle!", you should convert it to hexadecimal string.

final messageHex = "0x${StringUtils.toHexString("Hello Particle!")}";
String signature = await Evm.personalSign(messageHex);
String signature = await Evm.personalSignUnique(messageHex);

EVM Sign typed data and sign typed data unique

If your typed data is already a hexadecimal string, don't need to convert again, if your typed data is a human readable string, is a json string, you should convert it to hexadecimal string.

String typedData = await getTypedDataV4();
String typedDataHex = "0x${StringUtils.toHexString(typedData)}";
String signature = await Evm.signTypedData(typedDataHex);
String signature = await Evm.signTypedDataUnique(typedDataHex);

EVM Send transaction

The transaction requires a hexadecimal string.

Please explore our GitHub. In the example/transaction_mock.dart file, you can learn how to mock a test transaction.

final transaction = "Your transaction";
String signature = await Evm.sendTransaction(transaction);

Get Solana address

final address = await Solana.getAddress();

Solana sign message, sign transaction and sign all transactions

Both message and transaction should be a base58 string.

final signature = await Solana.signMessage(message);

final transaction = await TransactionMock.mockSolanaTransaction(address);
final signature = await Solana.signTransaction(transaction);

List<String> transactions = <String>[];
List<String> signatures = await Solana.signAllTransactions(transactions);

Solana sign and send transaction

Transaction should be a base58 string.

final transaction = await TransactionMock.mockSolanaTransaction(address);
final signature = await Solana.signAndSendTransaction(transaction);

Switch chain

bool isSuccess = await ParticleAuthCore.switchChain(ChainInfo.PolygonMumbai);

Set security account config

// set security account config, 
// the first parameter is promptSettingWhenSign, default value is 1.
// the second parameter is promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin, default value is 0.
// 0 no prompt
// 1 first time show prompt
// 2 every time show prompt
final config = SecurityAccountConfig(1, 2);

Open account and security page

If user is expired, should return error, If user is expired, should return error, otherwise return nothing.

try {
  String result = await ParticleAuthCore.openAccountAndSecurity();
  print("openAccountAndSecurity: $result");
} catch (error) {
  print("openAccountAndSecurity: $error");
  showToast("openAccountAndSecurity: $error");

Blind sign enable

This switch will work if the following conditions are met:

1. your account is connected with JWT

2. your account does not set payment password

3. SecurityAccountConfig.promptSettingWhenSign is 0, you can call ParticleAuth.setSecurityAccountConfig to update its value.

static void setBlindEnable(bool enable) async {

static void getBlindEnable() async {
  final result = ParticleAuthCore.getBlindEnable();
  print("getBlindEnable: $result");
  showToast("getBlindEnable: $result");

Last updated