Native Support for IPFS!

IPFS is supported out of the box when using Particle Network.

You can upload files with the API /ipfs/upload to upload file (max file size 100 MB), and use /ipfs/upload_json to upload json.

Upload File

Request Example

const formData = require('form-data');
const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');

const IPFS_URL = 'https://rpc.particle.network/ipfs/upload';

(async () => {
    const filePath = 'Your file path';

    const form = new formData();
    form.append('file', fs.createReadStream(filePath));

    let res = await axios.post(IPFS_URL, form, {
        headers: form.getHeaders(),
        auth: {
            username: 'Your Project Id',
            password: 'Your Project Server Key',


Response Example

    // v1 cid: @see https://docs.ipfs.io/concepts/content-addressing/#identifier-formats
    "cid": "bafybeidhaeimld7itiwr4v4jpxiscbkrxioapmawty7mhucp5kcdywgcvi",
    // IPFS format address
    "ipfs": "ipfs://bafybeidhaeimld7itiwr4v4jpxiscbkrxioapmawty7mhucp5kcdywgcvi",
    // Preferred url with CDN cache for better performance
    "fastUrl": "https://ipfs.particle.network/bafybeidhaeimld7itiwr4v4jpxiscbkrxioapmawty7mhucp5kcdywgcvi",
    // Preferred url
    "ipfsUrl": "https://bafybeidhaeimld7itiwr4v4jpxiscbkrxioapmawty7mhucp5kcdywgcvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link",
    // Other working urls: @see https://ipfs.github.io/public-gateway-checker/
    "ipfsUrls": [

Upload JSON

Request Example

const axios = require('axios');

const IPFS_URL = 'https://rpc.particle.network/ipfs/upload_json';

(async () => {
    let res = await axios.post(IPFS_URL, {// json data}, {
        auth: {
            username: 'Your Project Id',
            password: 'Your Project Server Key',


Response Example

    // v1 cid: @see https://docs.ipfs.io/concepts/content-addressing/#identifier-formats
    "cid": "bafybeiatchjoos436vysr7q3tna6ubd2xgseylsh4uo66swxualkzbnlnq",
    // IPFS format address
    "ipfs": "ipfs://bafybeiatchjoos436vysr7q3tna6ubd2xgseylsh4uo66swxualkzbnlnq",
    // Preferred url with CDN cache for better performance
    "fastUrl": "https://ipfs.particle.network/bafybeiatchjoos436vysr7q3tna6ubd2xgseylsh4uo66swxualkzbnlnq",
    // Preferred url
    "ipfsUrl": "https://bafybeiatchjoos436vysr7q3tna6ubd2xgseylsh4uo66swxualkzbnlnq.ipfs.nftstorage.link",
    // Other working urls: @see https://ipfs.github.io/public-gateway-checker/
    "urls": [


Our IPFS gateway provides a read-only, HTTP-accessible interface to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS). It's super fast and easy to use.

How to use

In addition, we provide cropping of image content to help you optimize and speed up local content access.

// format


// For example(Returns a 300x300 image)


Last updated