Adding the Auth Service SDK to Your App

Auth Service simplifies the integration of authentication system within your applications and supports installation with CocoaPods.


  • Install the following:

    • Xcode version 14.1 or later.

    • CocoaPods version 1.12.1 or higher.

  • Make sure that your project meets the following requirements:

    • Your project must target these platform versions or later:

      • iOS 14

Create a Particle Project and App

Before you can add our Auth Service to your iOS app, you need to create a Particle project to connect to your iOS app. Visit Particle Dashboard to learn more about Particle projects and apps.

👉 Sign up/log in and create your project now

Add the Auth Service SDK to Your App

Follow these steps to install the Auth Service using CocoaPods.

Here's how to install the Auth Service using CocoaPods:

  1. Create a Podfile: If you do not already have a Podfile, you will need to create one. Navigate to the route of your project directory and run the following command in your terminal:

pod init
  1. Add the Auth Service Pods: To use the Auth Service in your app, you will need to add the respective pods to your Podfile: In your Podfile, add the following lines:

pod 'ParticleAuthService'
  1. Install the Pods: With the Auth Service pods added, you can now install the pods. Run the following command in your terminal:

pod install --repo-update
  1. Open Your Project in Xcode: After installing the pods, you need to open your .xcworkspace file to view the project in Xcode. Run the following command in your terminal:

open your-project.xcworkspace

If you would like to receive release updates, subscribe to our GitHub repository.

Edit Podfile

It is required for every iOS project that integrates the Auth Service SDK.

// paste there code into pod file
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
  target.build_configurations.each do |config|
  config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

Initialize Auth Service in Your App

After adding the Auth Service to your app, the next step is to initialize it by following the steps described below. Please note, that if you are using a quickstart sample project, initialization might have been done for you.


1. Create a ParticleNetwork-Info.plist File

In the root of your Xcode project directory, create a file called ParticleNetwork-Info.plist.

2. Add Content to Plist File

Copy and paste the following text into the ParticleNetwork-Info.plist file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Replace YOUR_PROJECT_UUID, YOUR_PROJECT_CLIENT_KEY, and YOUR_PROJECT_APP_UUID with the appropriate values generated from your Dashboard.

3. Import ParticleNetwork Modules

In your UIApplicationDelegate, import the ParticleNetworkBase and ParticleAuthService modules as such:

import ParticleNetworkBase 
import ParticleAuthService

4. Initialize the ParticleNetwork Service

Typically, this is done in your app's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.

Here is an example of how you can select a network from ChainInfo:

// select a network from ChainInfo.
let chainInfo = ParticleNetwork.ChainInfo.ethereum
let devEnv = ParticleNetwork.DevEnvironment.debug
let config = ParticleNetworkConfiguration(chainInfo: chainInfo, devEnv: devEnv)
ParticleNetwork.initialize(config: config)

5. Add the Scheme URL Handle

In your app's application(_:open:options:) method, you need to return a call to the handleUrl method of the ParticleAuthServiceclass:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    return ParticleAuthService.handleUrl(url)

6. Configuring Your App's Scheme URL:

To do this, please follow the steps below:

  • Select your app from TARGETS in Xcode.

  • Go to the "Info" section and click on the '+' button to add a new entry to the "URL types" field.

  • Under "URL Schemes", paste your specific scheme information.

Your scheme URL should be "pn" followed by your project app id.

For instance, if your project app id is "63bfa427-cf5f-4742-9ff1-e8f5a1b9828f", your scheme URL should be "pn63bfa427-cf5f-4742-9ff1-e8f5a1b9828f".

Congratulations! You have successfully initialized Auth Service in your app. Now you can make direct calls to the Auth Service SDK to manage user authentication. Remember to refer to the related documentation and API references to understand the scope and capability of the SDK.

devEnv needs to be modified to be DevEnvironment.production for release.

Dynamically Switching the Chain Info

The Auth Service SDK allows you to switch your blockchain network dynamically. The network can be altered either asynchronously or synchronously based on the function you decide to use. Follow the steps below:


This function checks whether the user has previously logged into the desired chain name and automatically presents additional steps if needed. If the user has logged into the Ethereum chain and wants to switch to the BSC chain, the function switches directly since they're both EVM networks. If the user wants to change to a network they have not logged in before, i.e., Solana, the SDK will show a browser request for further login steps:

let chainInfo = ParticleNetwork.ChainInfo.ethereum
ParticleAuthService.switchChain(chainInfo).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    case .success(let userInfo):
}.disposed(by: bag)


This function changes the network without checking for previous logins. It should be primarily used only if you are sure that the user has logged into the requested network previously:

let chainInfo = ParticleNetwork.ChainInfo.ethereum

By calling these methods based on the status of user activity in different chains can provide a smooth transition while switching chains.

API Reference

Here is the documentation for several key API methods provided by the Auth Service SDK:


You can authenticate users in your app by using the ParticleAuthService.login function. This function supports different login types such as email, phone, Google, Apple, and Facebook. When the login is successful, a user wallet is created.


    type: LoginType, 
    account: String? = nil, 
    supportAuthType: [SupportAuthType] = [SupportAuthType.all], 
    socialLoginPrompt: SocialLoginPrompt? = nil, 
    authorization: LoginAuthorization? = nil


  • type: Specifies the login type (e.g., email, phone, jwt, google, apple, facebook).

  • account: Optional parameter for email, phone, or jwt login methods. You should pass in the user's email address, phone number, or jwt token here.

  • supportAuthType: Controls whether third-party login buttons are displayed. By default, all third-party login buttons are shown.

  • socialLoginPrompt: Social login prompt.

  • authorization: Optional parameter for LoginAuthorization object.


The function returns a user information object (userinfo) if the login is successful.

Example usage

ParticleAuthService.login(type: .email).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
        // handle error
    case .success(let userinfo):
        // login success, handle userinfo
}.disposed(by: bag)

/// Login with JWT
let account = "json web token"
ParticleAuthService.login(type: .jwt, account: account).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
        // handle error
    case .success(let userinfo):
        // login success, handle userinfo
}.disposed(by: bag)

After log-in success, you can obtain user info by calling ParticleNetwork.getUserInfo()

Account Abstraction could use together with Auth Service, explore Account Abstraction for more detail, learn how to get a smart account address, how to send transaction under AA mode.

Wallet Service could use together with Auth Service, explore Wallet Service for more detail, learn how to open wallet page, how to open send page, how to open swap page etc.

Check user login status

Is User Login Async



This function asynchronously checks from the server if a user is logged in. This ensures your local login status is up-to-date with the server status.

Example usage

ParticleAuthService.isLoginAsync().subscribe { [weak self] result in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    switch result {
    case .success(let userInfo):
    case .failure(let error):
}.disposed(by: bag)


The function returns the latest user info, if encounter error, the user is invalid, should sign in again.

Is User Login

You can check whether a user is logged in or not using the ParticleAuthService.isLogin function, This is a local check.




The function returns a boolean indicating whether a user is logged in (true) or not (false).

Logout and FastLogout


The logout function enables users to log out from their account. The function deletes user account information from cache.




The function returns a success message if the logout process is completed successfully.

Example usage

ParticleAuthService.logout().subscribe { [weak self] result in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
        // handle error
    case .success(let success):
        // logout success
}.disposed(by: bag)


The fastLogout function is similar to the logout method but performs the logout operation silently without presenting the user with a safari view controller.




The function returns a success message if the fast logout process is completed successfully.

Example usage

ParticleAuthService.fastLogout().subscribe { [weak self] result in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
        // handle error
    case .success(let success):
        // logout success
}.disposed(by: bag)

Get User Info and Address After Login

These functions enable you to retrieve user information and address after a successful login.




getUserInfo returns a user information object. getAddress returns a string containing the user's address.

Get Smart Account

Enables retrieval of the user's smart account. This function only works if you enable Account Abstraction.




The function returns a smart account object.

Custom Modal Present Style

This function allows you to set the modal presentation style for the web browser.




The default presentation style for the web browser is .formSheet. You can change it to .fullScreen by using the setModalPresentStyle function.

Starting from iOS 15, you can set the web browser to display in medium screen by using the setMediumScreen function. Before using it, make sure you have set the modal presentation style to fullScreen.

Set and Get Appearance

You can configure the User Interface appearance of your app with the setAppearance and getAppearance functions. The default value is set to follow the system's appearance.


let appearance = ParticleNetwork.getAppearence()

Set Web Auth Config

You can configure the behavior and appearance of the authentication webpage with the setWebAuthConfig function. For instance, you can make the wallet visible when signing and sending transactions.


    WebAuthConfig(isDisplayWallet: true, appearance: .unspecified))

Set and Get Language

You can configure the language of your app with the setLanguage and getLanguage functions. The default language is English.


let language = ParticleNetwork.getLanguage()

Set and Get FiatCoin

You can set the fiat coin symbol with the setFiatCoin function. The default fiat coin is USD. You can retrieve the current fiat coin with the getFiatCoin function.


let fiatCoin = ParticleNetwork.getFiatCoin()


The Particle SDK provides several methods for signing transactions or messages.

1. Sign and Send Transaction

This method signs and sends a transaction to the Particle Node and then returns the txHash.




transaction (String): The transaction to sign and to send. The request is a base58 string in Solana or a hex string in EVM.


ParticleAuthService.signAndSendTransaction(transaction).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    case .success(let txHash):
}.disposed(by: bag)

2. Sign Transaction

This method signs a transaction then returns the signatrue.




transaction (String): The transaction to sign. This request is a base58 string in Solana and currently does not support EVM.


ParticleAuthService.signTransaction(transaction).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    case .success(let txHash):
}.disposed(by: bag)

3. Sign Message

This method signs a message and then returns signature.




message (String): The message to sign. For Solana, it can be any string while for EVM, it should be a hex string.


ParticleAuthService.signMessage(message).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    case .success(let signature):
}.disposed(by: bag)

4. Sign Message Unique

This method signs a message and then returns the signature, with the feature that the same message will always generate the same signature.




message (String): The message to sign. For EVM, this can be a hex string or any other string.


ParticleAuthService.signMessageUnique(message).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    case .success(let signature):
}.disposed(by: bag)

5. Sign Typed Data

This method signs typed data and then returns the signature. It supports v1, v3 and v4 typed data.


ParticleAuthService.signTypedData(message, version: .v4)


message (String): The typed data to sign. It should be a hex string and this method does not support Solana at present.

version (EVMSignTypedDataVersion): The version of typed data. It could be v1, v3, v4 or v4Unique.


ParticleAuthService.signTypedData(message, version: .v4).subscribe { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    case .success(let signature):
}.disposed(by: bag)

You can create a transaction with TxData and FeeMarketEIP1559TxData There's an easy way to do this with Wallet Service.

Open Web Wallet

You can open the web wallet with the openWebWallet function:


styleJsonString: A JSON format string specifying the display details for the web wallet.

let styleJsonString = """
  "supportAddToken": false,
  "supportChains": [{"id": 1,"name": "Ethereum"},{"id": 5,"name": "Ethereum"}]
ParticleAuthService.openWebWallet(styleJsonString: styleJsonString)

Open Account and Security

Open the user's account & security page with openAccountAndSecurity function:



Set and Get Security Account Config

These methods allow you to configure and store security settings.


promptSettingWhenSign (String): Control prompt payment password when sign, 0 no prompt, 1 first time show prompt, 2 every time show prompt, 3 force show prompt

promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin (String): Control prompt master password when login, 0 no prompt, 1 first time show prompt, 2 every time show prompt, 3 force show prompt


// Set the Security Account Config
    SecurityAccountConfig.init(promptSettingWhenSign: 1, promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin: 2))

// Get the Security Account Config
let securityAccountConfig = ParticleNetwork.getSecurityAccountConfig()

CheckSum support

To get an Ethereum address checksum transitioning from a normal address, use the toChecksumAddress function.



TRON network support

The SDK allows you to convert TRON base58 addresses to hex addresses, and vice versa.


let tronAddressHex = TronFormatAddress.toHex("TDTduRew1o2ZqP9wiDPVEqdywMQdNC4hto")
print(tronAddressHex) // 0x2648cfe97e33345300db8154670347b08643570b

let tronAddressBase58 = TronFormatAddress.fromHex("0x2648cfe97e33345300db8154670347b08643570b")
print(tronAddressBase58) // TDTduRew1o2ZqP9wiDPVEqdywMQdNC4hto

Particle Provider

The SDK provides a Particle Provider that handles wallet connect requests. The Particle Provider supports the following methods:

  • eth_sendTransaction: Return the signature or an error.

  • eth_signTypedData: Return the signature or an error.

  • personal_sign: Return the signature or an error.

  • wallet_switchEthereumChain: Return null or an error.

  • eth_chainId: Return chainId string like "0x5" or an error.

  • eth_signTypedData_v1: Return the signature or an error.

  • eth_signTypedData_v3: Return the signature or an error.

  • eth_signTypedData_v4: Return the signature or an error.


ParticleProvider.request(method: String, params: [Encodable]) -> Single<Data?>


method (String): The method to be requested. params ([Encodable]): Array of parameters to pass to the method.


ParticleProvider.request(method: method, params: params).subscribe { data in
   // handle returned data
} onFailure: { error in
    // handle error
}.disposed(by: bag)


Any error that occurs will be of type ParticleNetwork.Error and will contain details about the error that occurred. The errors will be logged in debug DevEnvironment.

Particle Wallet Connect

The Particle Wallet Connect SDK allows you to integrate your app as a Wallet Connect wallet. Below is the documentation for integrating and using the Particle Wallet Connect SDK.

If you are using a quickstart sample project, this has been done for you.

Adding Particle Wallet Connect with CocoaPods

To add the Particle Wallet Connect SDK to your project, you can use the following Podfile entry:

pod 'ParticleWalletConnect', '1.2.2'

Make sure to run pod install after updating your Podfile to add the Particle Wallet Connect V2 SDK to your project.

API Reference


To initialize the Particle Wallet Connect SDK, you can use the initialize method and provide the wallet metadata.



Migrating to WalletConnect v2

You can set the WalletConnect V2 project ID using the following method:


ParticleWalletConnect.setWalletConnectV2ProjectId("your wallet connect v2 project id")

Connect and Handling Connections

You can use the Particle Wallet Connect SDK to connect to a wallet and handle the connection results by implementing the ParticleWalletConnectDelegate protocol.

Delegate Methods

  • shouldConnectDapp: Request to connect to the Dapp with metadata.

  • request: Handle requests from the Dapp.

  • didConnectDapp: Called after successfully connecting to a Dapp.

  • didDisconnectDapp: Called after disconnecting from a Dapp.


You can disconnect from a Wallet Connect V2 session using the following method:


Task {
    do {
        try await topic)
    } catch {

Get Connected Dapp

You can get the Dapp metadata by topic and get all connected Dapps using the following methods:


func getDapp(by topic: String) -> DappMetaData?
func getAllDapps(publicAddress: String) -> [DappMetaData]

Update Session

The Wallet Connect V2 public address and chain ID can be updated using the following method:


do {
    try, publicAddress: publicAddress, chainId: chainId)
} catch {

These methods allow you to integrate your app as a Wallet Connect wallet and handle session management effectively.

Last updated